Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ultricies vitae velit et ullamcorper. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum tincidunt blandit metus, sit amet aliquet risus porttitor vel.
Klik hier voor ons Cookiebeleid
De onderstaande formulieren worden gebruikt op de website. Per formulieren geven we aan:
- Welke gegevens we verwerken
- Met welk doel we deze gegevens verwerken
Tot wanneer blijven de gegevens bewaard?
De opgeslagen gegevens bevatten geringe minimale gevoelige informatie. Omdat we analyses ook willen doen in de toekomst en deze willen vergelijken met de gegevens van vandaag, bewaren we de gegevens oneindig, tenzij dit hieronder anders staat aangegeven.
Indien u wilt dat uw gegevens tussentijds alsnog verwijderd worden, dan kunt u dit ons laten weten via e-mail, telefoon of brief.
Form: Campaigns
Data | When filling out one of our campaign forms, we will collect the following data:
- First/Last name
- Address, Postal code, City
- Email address
Purpose | We will use the data to further process your request for more information and contact you about this campaign.
Analysis | We can use your data for our own internal analysis, our marketing policies and for improving the website, so be can be of better service to you.
Form: Contact
Data | When using the Contact form to contact us, we will collect the following data:
- Name
- Email address
- Phone number
- Question/remakr
Purpose | We will process your data in order to answer the question or remark you send us, and if needed contact you.
Analysis | We might use the data to internally analyse our services in order to improve our service.
Form: Contact
Data | When using the Contact form to contact us, we will collect the following data:
- Name
- Email address
- Phone number
- Question/remakr
Purpose | We will process your data in order to answer the question or remark you send us, and if needed contact you.
Analysis | We might use the data to internally analyse our services in order to improve our service.
Form: Mail-to-a-friend
Data | When using the Mail-to-a-friend option on our product pages, we will collect the following data:
- Name sender
- Name and email address recipient
- Remark
- Product URL and Name
Purpose | This form is used to send an email to the recipient, containing the sender name + link to the product + remark. These data are not used to send any other mailings to the recipients email address.
Analysis | We can use your data for our own internal analysis, our marketing policies and for improving the website, so be can be of better service to you.
Form: Offer request
Data | When filling out our offer request form, we will collect the following data:
- Name
- City
- Email address
- Phone number
- The product for which an offer is being requested
Purpose | We will use the data to further process your request for an offer, and contact you about it.
Analysis | We can use your data for our own internal analysis, our marketing policies and for improving the website, so be can be of better service to you.
Form: Request E-book
Data | When using the Contact form to contact us, we will collect the following data:
- Name
- Email address
- Phone number
- Question/remakr
Purpose | We will process your data in order to answer the question or remark you send us, and if needed contact you.
Analysis | We might use the data to internally analyse our services in order to improve our service.
Form: Vacancy
Data | When using the Contact form to contact us, we will collect the following data:
- Name
- Email address
- Phone number
- Question/remakr
Purpose | We will process your data in order to answer the question or remark you send us, and if needed contact you.
Analysis | We might use the data to internally analyse our services in order to improve our service.
Formulier: Nieuwsbrief Aanmelding
Doel | We zullen je gegevens (Naam, E-mailadres) verwerken zodat we je een periodieke mailing kunnen sturen.
Analyse | We kunnen je gegevens gebruiken voor interne analyses om onze service te verbeteren. Van een verzonden mailing analyseren we of een mailing is gelezen (d.m.v. downloaden van de afbeeldingen hierin) en of er op één van de URL links hierin is geklikt en wanneer, zodat we het succes van de mailing en de berichten hierin kunnen bepalen.
Afmelden | Indien de afmeld link in de mailing zelf wordt geklikt, en deze wordt bevestigd, zullen we je e-mailadres toevoegen aan onze "afgemeld" tabel. We gebruiken deze tabel enkel om verder te voorkomen dat het systeem nog verdere mailings verstuurd.
Webshop: My Account / Register
Data | When registering for a (webshop) account, we will collect the following personal data:
- Customer type: private individual / company
- If Company: Company name and VAT number
- Invoice address: street, house number, postal code, city, country
- Contact info: name, email address, phone
- Delivery address(es): street, house number, postal code, city, country, title of the address
When you log into your account at a later time, we will also log with which browser/operating system/ip address.
Purpose | We use your data to process your order or request. Or to contact you if any questions arise which need to be answered before processing your order.
Analysis | We can use your data for our own internal analysis, our marketing policies and for improving the website, so be can be of better service to you.
Webshop: Placing an order as Guest
Data | When placing an order in our webshop as a Guest, we will collect the following personal data:
- Customer type: private individual / company
- If Company: Company name and VAT number
- Invoice address: street, house number, postal code, city, country
- Contact info: name, email address, phone
- Delivery address(es): street, house number, postal code, city, country, title of the address
Purpose | We use your data to process your order or request. Or to contact you if any questions arise which need to be answered before processing your order.
Analysis | We can use your data for our own internal analysis, our marketing policies and for improving the website, so be can be of better service to you.